Construction Litigation

At Mitby Pacholder Johnson PLLC, construction litigation demands a high level of trial skill to win before judges, juries, and arbitrators, and to leverage favorable settlements. Many so-called construction lawyers may have technical expertise in engineering but often lack the ability to persuade judges and juries, who are laypeople. We excel by combining both technical expertise—including attorneys with engineering backgrounds—and strong advocacy. This unique combination allows us to outperform most construction lawyers, effectively running circles around the competition.


The construction industry and building process require numerous contracts, beginning from the initial bidding phase. The attorneys at MPJ utilize their extensive negotiation experience to review and analyze contracts, ensuring each document is fair and aimed at achieving a positive outcome for our clients. The integrity of a contract often hinges on the precise wording of a single sentence, making it crucial to have attorneys who can draft and review contracts that meet all applicable state and federal standards and regulations. Our focus is on providing swift and ethical counsel that protects our clients' interests throughout the construction process.

Property Law

Property law plays a pivotal role in successful construction projects. In the construction industry, property law pertains to the various forms of ownership and tenancy in real property. Legal disputes among landowners, builders, and contractors are common, yet these disputes are serious matters that require the expertise of seasoned business lawyers. MPJ’s attorneys are adept at navigating these complex issues, ensuring that our clients' rights are protected and that disputes are resolved efficiently.

Liens and Bonds

When hard work is completed on time and meets all required standards, the agreed-upon compensation becomes due. A lien is a claim made by one party against another for nonpayment, while bonds in construction provide financial protection for investors in the event of a contractor's failure to perform the agreed-upon work. Failure to pay or receive funds can significantly delay a project and lead to additional, costly disputes. The attorneys at MPJ are well-equipped to advocate for just compensation, including in disputes involving liens and bonds. Our experienced team provides counsel not only to general contractors and subcontractors for payment of supplied materials and labor but also to engineers, designers, and owners in defending and pursuing payment claims.

Claims Related to Construction

Construction law often involves various disputes that can arise during the course of a project. These claims can include, but are not limited to, delays in project completion, structural defects, design defects, code violations, substandard materials or equipment, property damage, change orders, workmanship issues, and construction schedule changes. At MPJ, we understand the complexities of these claims and provide comprehensive legal support to help our clients navigate and resolve these disputes effectively.

Proven Results

MPJ’s combination of technical expertise and powerful advocacy ensures that we deliver successful outcomes for our clients in construction litigation. With extensive trial experience and interdisciplinary expertise, our attorneys guide clients through the intricacies of construction disputes with confidence. Whether it’s prosecuting claims, defending against overbilling, or managing large-scale construction projects, MPJ consistently achieves favorable results. Our success reflects our unwavering dedication to our clients and our ability to secure the outcomes they seek.

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At MPJ, our practice is dedicated to guiding you through the legal complexities of building and development. We’re here to help you manage risks, resolve disputes, and ensure your projects move forward smoothly.

Reach out to discover how we can build your success in the construction industry.